Jesús Irisarri Castro and Guadalupe Piñera Manso share their architectural office since 1989.
Both professors of the Department of Architectural Projects of the School of Architecture of Coruña. Jesús Irisarri was guest professor at the E.T.S. Architecture of Navarra and Seville and in the "International Laboratory of Architecture and Urban Design" in Venice (2000).
Since 2001, they co-direct "Obradoiro", the College of Architects of Galicia official magazine.
They have been invited to teach and lecture in several national and international universities and organizations.
Our team
- Jesús Irisarri Castro
- Guadalupe Piñera
Irisarri y Piñera
Rúa Doctor Cadaval 6 – 1º oficina 5
36202 Vigo, Spain
Phone: +34 986 223 875