

I started my professional activity as an architect in S. Miguel, Azores. Since then I’ve been trying to enhance the exceptional landscape of the island through architecture. I built the house in the film for my family in 2004.

There was already a vernacular house that I extended fusing the new with the old. I tried to maintain the existent as much as possible and the construction was studied looking for the most economic solutions: the local wood of Cryptomeria was much cheaper for the roof structure than concrete. Its warmness in the ceiling allowed me to keep most of the floors and walls in raw cement. We have restored the basement, the rooms and the bread oven. The old house grew back to the yard and up to the view. In our projects we always try to fit into the landscape measure and to integrate the surrounding’s features into composition. And we try hard to fulfill the people’s wishes for a good life under a roof.

Our team

  • Pedro Maurício Borges
  • Paulo Vaz
  • Arthur Gouvêa
  • Tiago Farinha


Pedro Maurício Borges

Rua Nova do Almada, 11 - 2.º Esq
1200-288 Lisbon, Portugal
Phone: +351 210 967 130
Email: pmb.atelier.1@gmail.com